Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Copy Cat...

Haidyn is a pretty smart little girl. She will copy alot of the stuff that you do. If I dance, then she dances. If I cough, then she will fake cough. If I wave, then she waves. So last night, I was holding her and I would stick my tounge out at her and she would stick her back out at me. I would move my tounge from side to side and bc she can't quite do that, so she would move her whole body back and forth. It was soo funny. Here is the video...


The Pifer's said...

I saw this last night and meant to comment but my phone was blowing up with calls :)

I love how she copys you!!! It helps her learn and I think this video is TOOO cute! I love how she sways back in forth with her tounge out :)

lots of love said...

thats so cute!